Hello! Hello!   What a day yesterday was!

What a day yesterday was!

We arrived very early but the morning was filled with running around, trying to get the older kids ready for the day, making it very hectic.

Again we only had the younger children, starting our program with them before lunch. For our bible story we thought it would be a nice change to watch a movie, so we played them the VeggieTales story of Esther: The Girl who became Queen.  They seemed to enjoy it and Joskey would pause periodically to make sure they understood what was happening. To be honest, I think Jasmyn and Rae enjoyed it just as much, now watching it when you’re older and understanding the political and social jokes of it.

Since we started late in the day and had leave early for the Crusade we only had time to play one game, and of course the children chose Musical Chairs! We played a few quick rounds then had lunch and sent them off to the Crusade!

While being here we have learnt something called “African Time” which basically means everything starts hours later than anticipated.. That is exactly what happened with the Crusade. According to the banners, flags and stickers we were set to start at 3pm and end at 6pm, when in reality we started at 6pm and went until around 10:30pm!

For us Canadians, it was nothing like we have ever seen before. It started off kind of slow, which worried us thinking no one else would come, but as soon as the sun started going down hundreds of people took over the grounds.

It was amazing to see the continuing worship throughout the night, and all the involvement and praise that came crusade - kids dancingfrom the crowd. According to Mama, an INCREDIBLE 85 men and women were welcomed into the Family of Christ! How wonderful is our Lord! Hard to believe that just happened on Day 1 and we have four more to go.


crusade - Edith

Please continue to pray for everyone who attends the Crusade over the next couple of days, that their hearts may be open to receiving the Word. Also pray for good health, as the exhaustion is becoming real.

All the love,

The Three Amigos.