After being here almost 2 months, you start to not be too surprised when you see or hear things that happen.  Like:  our next door neighbour – the night watchman at the church apparently had a deadly snake in his little house early his am and quickly killed it. (The doors of the church have about an inch of space.  Look out Dave and Jack – they sleep on the floor!) Or when you have something in your eye and you realize that it just must be sweat!.

We caught Robert sitting on the gravel pile today.  He is our elder who works with us and talks to the men for us when we need better communication.


Yes we are missing Craig –  We found him here working VERY hard as Victor is cutting the lumber.  Craig had a necklace that we were to give to a little girl. Sharon, Jack and Dave went to get some Coke and to deliver the necklace to a little girl who lives  right here beside us in the little village area.  She was just a wee little girl but said very politely, “thank you” in Lou.