Good morning everyone.  It’s now Saturday morning here in Kenya.  Friday was a very busy day so let me get started….

We found out that the problem with the water was actually a very simple problem – the city had shut the water off to do a repair to someone’s line and had forgotten to turn it back on! So today we will hopefully have the city people come by and turn it back on.  We are very thankful for the many people who prayed for this.  We were ready to start to dig up the water line wherever we saw “more green”. 









The container was moved from it’s location. A “tow” truck lifted the front end and dragged it out past the staking forIMG_2138 the foundation, the tree, down the driveway and then pushed it along side the fence area but not so close that people can use it as a climbing tool to get over.




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We waited until the group arrived from their safari trip (which was awesome except for the very bumpy roads) and then had the groundbreaking ceremony (though Randy and some of the workers had been starting to break up the concrete earlier that day). As everyone lined the three sides of the future boy’s dorm, a local pastor prayed and challenged us to do a good work, empowered by God, until completion. Tea and bread was shared by everyone.

A challenge to you all there at home:  try doing this –  use an ice cream pail of water (4 L).  This is your bathing water to “shower” yourself and then wash out some underclothes.  Don’t dump it down the shower drain as it is plugged so you have to keep as much of the water in the basin!  The overall goal is to feel cleaner but not be totally clean!







Categories: NewsTravel