IMG_0851The day started out with the raising of the Kenyan flag and some of the students doing their parade.  The workman finished installing the last window into the metal house which now has become a boys’ room on one side and a classroom on the other. The classroom houses 40 little children, the baby and middle class.  Imagine the activity level.

They have had plumbing issues since moving into the home so we are now resolving some of these issues.  Today the plumber returned and checkedIMG_0857out the kitchen sink for where the clog might be to located. The problem was under the outdoor kitchen ‘mud floor’.  The solution was to redirect the water to a different spot so the Head Teacher with some of his class students started trenching for the laying of the pipe for tomorrow. A pit will be dug and filled with rocks to filter the water. The boys had fun digging in the mud.  We could tell they had used some of these tools before. They were a big help.

IMG_0794While the guys were digging in the mud and having fun, the girls were washing their clothes and chatting together. This is very much a social time for them.  Imagine that!!

For us, we continued with our balancing and sorting, organizing and Cathy attended school today – she learned her prime numbers again.  Imagine that also!!!!  In all of this, we enjoy the work and see God’s Hand in all. The children are wonderfully polite and helpful. The atmosphere is happy and full of noise and laughter. Every evening there is a 20 minute time outside where they sing and worship and really have a great time together.

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