Here is a picture of that wonderful bonfire. Ask Dave what he thinks of a fire and he’ll say all the great sausage that is sitting back in his freezer at home!  (He is getting a little meat deprived, I think!)  This is not an eagle but it does remind us that we are strong when we are doing the work of God  –  “They that wait on the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary and walk and not faint.”  Teach me love to wait on you and your strength and power.


Today we continued on the 2nd floor panels (They call this the 1st floor).  We also had a visit from 5 local college students who came to see what we are doing and will be back again to check up on the progress.  They are surprised at the speed that we are going – we, on the other hand, wish for more speed!  Boy, are people ever fickled!  And so we brought in “Super-Man”!!   Well actually his T-shirt says ‘MR.FISHERMAN” so I’m not so sure what we should expect from Craig!