DSC00557It is with extreme sadness that we must announce the passing of our Canadian founder. Sieg Grafe passed away on Sunday Feb 1st. In hospital with his family at his side. Sieg and his wife Ursula were missionaries in Africa for many years and were instrumental in setting up the Canadian support that is now Bethel Rays of Hope Ministries (please take some time to read our History section) His absence at the board table as we discuss current and future plans will be a gap that can never be replaced. He was always a strong Godly presence, and his wisdom, insight, and love for the children was a constant driving force.He will be sorrowfully missed. We are all blessed to have called him a true friend.

Sieg loved “his” Africa. So let us share a few pictures of his time one year ago while in Kenya.         Jim Croy, Chair, Bethel Rays of Hope Ministries
