If you have followed us much you would have heard of the passing of the man that brought the needs of Bethel

Uncle Sieg to all the children here. 1936 - 2015

Uncle Sieg to all the children here.
1936 – 2015

to Canada. Sieg Grafe was a Missionary in the Congo with his wife Ursula for many years. Eventually ending up in Kisumu and connecting with Pastor Martin and Edith Chamah. Instead of me retelling the story I would invite you to go to the ‘history’ section of this website and read more about how this all got started. Needless to say, his passing was a significant blow to all of us. At his funeral some family members and those of us on the Bethel Board started to discuss how we could honour Sieg.

It came to us that Siegs love of books and reading would be very fitting to foster here at the orphanage. So, shortly after arriving we unpacked a significant volume of books that we had brought and the Chamahs brought in the bookshelf. During the day the teachers either sign out an armful of books, or bring their class in to enjoy a library time. In the evening there is a renewed marvel of the various books. This is a library that will continue to grow as visitors bring their contributions.

Sieg, you had a positive impact on everything you did and everywhere you went. “My Africa” as you called it will forever miss your presence. We pray that this library will continue for generations, and that your legacy will always be remembered.

Waving a big Thank You to Canada

Waving a big Thank You to Canada

The kids are very clear about where the books come from. So saying thanks to Canada was certainly one of the priorities. but then it was back to the books.

The kids very quickly found out that reading under the stairwell was a cool place to hang out. Get any book, find a piece of rug, and enjoy!!

Metrine & Brannish

Metrine & Brannish




I’ve tried to identify everyone, hope I got it right!









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