Well, I’m off today leaving Joan to bask in the 33 C weather on Wednesday.  It has been perfect for me – 29-30C but I think Joan likes it a tad bit cooler!

A Mzungu is a white foreigner and obviously we get noticed everywhere we go.  The younger children were fascinated to stroke my skin and my hair. You could tell the older ones wanted to as well but they held back…. The children like the softness of our hair especially.

Mrs. Chamah has arranged for me to visit a hospital this morning and I am looking forward to that. I have a number of breast prostheses that were donated by Cancer Care MB to give to the Administration to distribute appropriately. We take so much for granted at home!

My long journey home starts at 3 pm – then 4 plane rides – to Nairobi, Amsterdam, Calgary and home. That shower and bed are going to feel SO good. Not to mention seeing my husband and family.

It has been an amazing experience to live in this Kenyan culture. Until you are here, it is hard to imagine. Now when we discuss the orphans, their needs, policies, etc I will be able to imagine it all in context. I have been blessed to have been here for 3 weeks.

Now a couple more children for you to meet….

Metty (2)This is Mettie.  She is 4 years old and in Baby class. She is the youngest of two children.  When  mother passed away, her father was unable to support her by doing the small jobs that he found around the area.  Mettie is a real sweetie. She loves to come up and touch you and get a hug. She’s one of the youngest ones in the Home. I think I may know someone who is going to sponsor her!!



Michelle 2015 (3)Michelle is 6 years old and she is in Middle class in Kindergarten. She lost both of her parents and was in the care of her elderly grandmother until she came to Bethel Home. Michelle has been my  biggest challenge in picture taking!  I’ve tried to capture the sweet quite little girl that she is but she usually has to pose for me and it doesn’t do her justice.  Maybe Jasmyn will be able to get a truer picture of her.  We hear her continually coughing at night and this is going to be checked out when the Red Cross comes. She’s not sponsored but we know that she would love to be…..   Any one interested??

I’ll soon join you in the deep freeze there!!


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